The following Pollution Incident Response Management Plans (PIRMPs) have been developed to describe SCE’s response to a potential pollution incident and to meet the requirements of the Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act (2011) (POELA Act) and the EPA PIRMP Guidelines at the following sites:
- SCE’s Kemblawarra site with an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) controlled by SCE Recycling: Located at Lot 1, Shellharbour Road, Kemblawarra.
Download >> KEMBLAWARRA – Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
- SCE’s Hebden Quarries site with an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) controlled by Hebden Quarries: Located on Picton Road, Hebden.
Download >> HEBDEN – Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
- SCE’s Port Kembla Materials Handling Facility with an Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) controlled by SCE Transport & Logistics : Located on Christy Drive, Port Kembla.
Download >> CHRISTY ROAD – Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 24
The plans provide a description of potential hazards, actions to be taken to prevent additional environmental harm and details of communication required in the event of an incident. The plans are based on the hazard and environmental register for each site.
Consumer Requirements
As a consumer please be aware of your requirements in accordance with the EPA Resource Recovery Exemptions.
EPA Resource recovery exemptions contain the conditions which consumers must meet to use waste for the purposes described. These conditions may include requirements on how to re-use or apply the waste, as well as record-keeping, reporting and other requirements. All resource recovery exemptions are made under clauses 91 and 92 of the 2014 Waste Regulation. SCE comply with all the relevant conditions of the POEO Act 2014.