Policies and Compliance

SCE is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment, training and culture for employees, contractors, site visitors and the communities in which we operate to help us achieve our goals.

We comply with all EPA regulations, while our ISO accreditation means you can trust our products are of the highest quality. The principles and practices outlined in our policies are embedded in the SCE way. 

At SCE Group we actively encourage our workers to get on board with safety, work our systems, help enhance our systems and look after themselves and their work mates. We look out for each other with respect and care, to make sure we all get home safely at the end of each day.

We are committed to:

  • Continually improving our Health & Safety performance and supporting management systems, taking into account Health & Safety risks and opportunities and applying governance programs to assure the effectiveness of risk control measures.
  • Applying practical, effective controls to eliminate hazards and reduce risks associated with our workplaces, products and services.
  • Providing, maintaining, using, handling, and storing plant, structures, and substances in a safe manner.
  • Providing adequate facilities for the welfare of workers carrying out work for the business, including access to those facilities.
  • Providing information, training, instruction, and supervision that is necessary to protect persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business.
  • Align Health & Safety activities with business strategies and risk profiles whilst setting, monitoring and reporting on associated objectives and targets.
  • Monitoring the health of workers and the conditions at the workplace for the purpose of preventing illness or injury of workers arising from the conduct of the business,
  • Be visible leaders across our teams, actively consulting with and seeking participation from our employees and internal and external stakeholders.
  • Creating an environment where workers will choose safe behaviours; that they will report hazards, errors and near miss incidents; that they will comply with any reasonable instruction; and that they will cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure.
  • Take proactive and meaningful action to comply with positive duty to prevent the risk of harm to workers from workplace sexual and gender-based harassment, bullying, racism, ageism and other harmful behaviours.
  • Recognising that psychosocial hazards and risks at work must be effectively managed.


SCE Group and its business units need to collect information in order to conduct business effectively and efficiently and will use this information specifically for those purposes.
Australian Privacy Legislation is designed to protect information about individuals and ensures that the information collected is not used other than for the purposes advised to the individual.
This legislation is based on 13 Principles known as Australian Privacy Principles (APP). SCE Group will at all times strive to meet or exceed the intents of these Principles.

1. Openness and Transparency.
SCE Group collects information only for the purpose of effectively and efficiently conducting its business.

2. Anonymity and Pseudonymity.

An individual may choose not to disclose personal information to the Group; however, the individual must recognize that this option does not allow for transactions to take place between parties.

3. Collection of Solicited Personal Information. Personal information collected for employment or other like purposes, such as license, competency etc. will be securely retained only for the purposes stated.

4. Unsolicited Personal Information.

Personal information provided by another party will only be considered for business purposes if that information could also have been obtained as solicited information and if not will be securely discarded from any information retention systems.

5. Notification of Collection of Information.
Any personal information that is, or may be, collected that was not directly obtained with the individuals’ knowledge, will be notified to the individual.

6. Use or Disclosure of Personal Information.

SCE Group will not disclose or use personal information to any other parties and will not be made available to other parties except where compelled or required by law.

7. Direct Marketing.

SCE Group will not disclose personal information to third parties for the purposes of direct marketing.

8. Cross-Border Disclosure.

SCE Group will not, unless advised to do so, in writing by the individual, disclose to any overseas agency or party any personal information.

9. Adoption or Use of Government Identifiers. Government related identifiers such as license, permit, passport, Services NSW, High Risk Work License etc. may be used to process employment eligibility and related processes. Information collected will be secured and not used for any other purposes.

10. Quality of Personal Information.

SCE Group may from time to time determine from individuals the quality, currency and correctness of information held about the individual. Any such additional information will be treated under the APP.

11. Security of Personal Information.

The security and privacy of personal information is of utmost importance to SCE Group and information retention systems have restricted access, security systems and processes and redundancy processes that ensure security.

12. Access to Personal Information.

Information held for individual persons is made available on request for access by providing reasonable notice to ensure that appropriate access to the records is available and that security is not compromised. Records may not be removed from the premises.

13. Correction of Personal Information. Personal information may be corrected, amended, updated when SCE is made aware of any anomalies in the existing information file.
SCE is committed to meeting its statutory obligations under the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW). In order to meet its many obligations under various legislation SCE Group undertakes surveillance through the use of camera, audio, computer surveillance and geographical tracking. Details of surveillance action is advised to employees and other affected parties through our surveillance procedure and by other means as required by the Act.

SCE Group is committed to the development, production, and delivery of quality products, services, and innovative solutions, consistent with our customers’ and interested parties’ needs and expectations.

In order to determine our strategic direction, SCE will develop & maintain a Corporate Risk Register & identify interested parties relevant to the Quality Management System.

We ensure the effectiveness of our products, services and solutions through the implementation and continual improvement of our management systems and by aligning those systems to the seven ISO Quality Management Principles (QMP’s).

1. Customer Focus – to meet customer requirements and to exceed customer expectations.

2. Leadership – to establish unity of purpose and direction and the creation of conditions in which people are engaged in achieving our quality objectives.

3. Engagement of People – competent and empowered people are essential to enhance our capability to create and deliver value.

4. Process Approach – consistent results are achieved when activities are managed as interrelated processes functioning as a coherent system.

5. Improvement – an ongoing focus on improvement allows us to react to changes in our internal and external conditions and to create new opportunities.

6. Evidence Based Decision Making – analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to produce desired results.

7. Relationship Management – for sustained success we manage and value our relationship with interested parties, such as our employees, clients, suppliers, and contractors.

SCE has a workforce made up of individuals with a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, opinions, beliefs, and perspectives. We promote a workplace free from hostility, bullying, harassment, sexual and gender-based harassment, discrimination and victimisation, where individual differences are respected and where people treat each other with dignity, respect and concern for each other’s individual rights and needs.

Discrimination is against the law and is defined as treating someone unfairly because of a characteristic they have, or are perceived to have, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental disability, marital or relationship status, family or carer responsibilities, religion, political opinion, national extraction, social origin, or trade union activity.

Sexual and gender-based harassment is unlawful and is described as any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated, and can be physical, verbal or written.

SCE is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace free from psychosocial hazards, bullying, harassment, including sexual and gender-based, and discriminatory behaviours and will protect those in the workplace through this policy, whether they are feeling affected by a supervisor, worker, client, contractor, or member of the public.

SCE will take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate unlawful conduct by:

  • Developing and implementing, appropriate policies, procedures and processes that ensure a safe, respectful, diverse and inclusive culture at work.
  • Ensuring, through the provision of information, instruction, training, and supervision, that workers are, and remain, aware of their personal responsibilities, liabilities, and obligations in respect to their behaviours under this policy. 
  • Clearly communicating expectations and dealing with reports of unacceptable workplace behaviour promptly, impartially, and confidentially.
  • Providing appropriate, confidential and professional support to workers through an employee assistance program (EAP), and ready access to a professional, independent, impartial contact officer.
  • Fostering a culture that is safe, respectful and inclusive that values diversity and gender equality.
  • Including psychosocial, and sexual and gender-based harassment hazards in risk management activities. 
  • Implementing procedures for reporting, investigating, and handling of complaints and reports of unacceptable workplace behaviour that maintain dignity, confidentiality and promote respect in the workplace.
  • Recruiting, selecting, and appointing applicants on merit, and who best fit position description requirements and who demonstrate qualities that are consistent with our mission and values.
  • Ensuring employment decisions and practices, with respect to training, remuneration, benefits, promotions, and the like, are made in accordance with our commitment to non-discrimination in the workplace.
  • Providing opportunities to employees to develop to their full personal and professional capacity and implementing practices that provide employee satisfaction, commitment to the job and the delivery of quality services to our customers.

SCE Group is committed to ensuring that all business activities minimise impact on the environment, comply with environmental legislation, are aligned with industry standards, community expectations, and complement the operating standards of our clients.

We will achieve this by:

  • Adopting practical and feasible management work practices that limit our environmental footprint upon natural resources, the land, air, and water quality.
  • Being pro-active in the assessment of the client’s environmental requirements.
  • Developing, implementing, maintaining, and operating with environmental management systems certified to ISO 14001.
  • Setting, maintaining and regular monitoring of measurable objectives and targets.
  • Continuous improvement of our processes to minimise our pollution and environmental footprint.
  • Communicating with our employees and engaging with local government and the community on environmental issues that may affect SCE Group.
  • Ensuring employees, contractors and others are informed of and understand their environmental obligations.
  • Maintaining effective management systems and procedures that identify environmental hazards, assess the risks, and ensuring effective controls for that risk are in place. (hazards eliminated or risks reduced).
  • Providing ongoing training to meet Environmental and operational requirements.
  • Selecting business partners who possess acceptable environmental credentials in line with legislation and industry standards as part of the selection process.

SCE Group aspires to excellence in road safety and acknowledges the need for compliance with the legislative framework under the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) and further acknowledges the guidance provided by the Registered Industry Code of Practice known as the “Master Code”.

SCE Group is committed to the objectives of the National Heavy Vehicle Law (NHVL) to:

  • promote public safety; and
  • manage the impact of heavy vehicles on the environment, road infrastructure and public amenity; and
  • promote industry productivity and efficiency in the road transport of goods by heavy vehicles; and
  • encourage and promote productive, efficient, innovative, and safe business practices.


SCE Group is a party to the Chain of Responsibility (CoR) in multiple ways including as an employer and prime contractor of drivers, as an operator, scheduler, consignor, consignee, loader, and unloader.

In fulfilling these respective roles, we will comply with our obligations under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL). We recognise “shared responsibility” and will cooperate with other parties in the CoR to eliminate or minimise safety risk.

We will maintain a risk based and systems approach to:

  • Manage speed, load restraint, vehicle mass and maintenance.
  • Manage heavy vehicle driver fatigue, and to promote good driver health and wellbeing.
  • Continuously measure and improve our CoR performance.


To achieve these things, we develop procedures and processes that recognise NHVL requirements and demand the ongoing commitment of our supervisors, managers, employees, contractors, and suppliers.

SCE Group is committed to the safety of our workers, contractors, and all other road users and, as part of this commitment we maintain accreditation to Truck Safe, and the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme.

Welcome to the SCE Group website (the “website”). The website is owned and operated by SCE Group Pty Ltd, ABN 60 000 361 688, Masters Road, Mt St Thomas on behalf of itself and its related bodies corporate. By accessing, browsing, or using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use, then you are not authorised to use the website. Any reference to SCE Group (also to we, us and our) in these Terms and Conditions of Use is a reference to SCE Group and its related bodies corporate.

SCE, EnviroBase, The Material Difference, and others, are registered trademarks of SCE Group Pty Ltd. You should also refer to our Privacy Policy, which contains important information regarding personal information you may provide to us on the website.

Disclaimer Of Warranty

SCE Group has provided the information contained on this website on the basis that we give the information in good faith. None of SCE Group, its affiliates and any of their respective directors, officers, employees or agents makes any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, suitability or reliability of the information contained on the website (including in relation to any goods or services) and none of them accept any responsibility arising in any way (including negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information contained on the website or your reliance on such information. You should not rely on the information on this site or any linked site without making your own independent assessment of the information. You should consult your own advisers to verify the accuracy of the information.

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In no event shall SCE Group, its related bodies corporate and any of their respective directors, officers, employees, or agents be liable, in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, or punitive loss or damages or any loss or damages whatsoever, including but not limited to, loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or access or any liability to use or access the website or its contents, goods or services supplied by SCE Group under the Terms and Conditions of Use; or a failure or omission on the part of SCE Group to comply with its obligations under these Terms and Conditions of Use. SCE Group is not liable to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with use of the website or any linked website. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from the website, or any linked website is free of viruses or any other thing that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, SCE Group’s total liability to you (if any) for breach of any implied warranties or conditions which by law cannot be excluded shall be limited, at our election, to: in the case of information or services supplied or offered by us – the re-supply of the information or services or payment of the cost of doing this; or in the case of goods supplied or offered by us – repair or replacement of the goods, supply of equivalent goods, or payment of the cost of doing this. We are not liable for loss of any kind (whether direct or consequential) arising from the information at this site, or a linked site, being inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading, and are not responsible for any interpretation, opinion, or conclusion you form from the information. To the fullest extent permitted by law, all warranties (including warranties as to merchantability, infringement of intellectual property or fitness for a particular purpose) and conditions are excluded. You must not carry on any activity which might involve us in liability, or any activity which uses intellectual property owned by, or licensed to, us, without our written permission.


All material on the website is protected by copyright under the laws of Australia. Unless otherwise indicated, all rights (including copyright and moral rights) in the content, layout and compilation of the website pages and on-line images including text, graphics, logos, button icons, video images, audio clips and software (including all object source and machine-readable code), including navigational software (collectively referred to as the Contents) are owned or controlled for these purposes, and are reserved, by SCE Group and/or licensors.

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Permission is only granted to you to display, copy, distribute, download, and print in hard copy portions of the website for the purposes of placing an enquiry or order by any means (electronic or otherwise) with SCE Group, or using the website as an information source for your own purposes. You must not, without our prior written permission, exploit the website or any of its Contents for any other purpose or by any other means.

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You agree to fully indemnify and hold SCE Group Pty Ltd and its related bodies corporate harmless from any claim, cost, demand, or damage (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) incurred or which may be incurred arising from a breach by you of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

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The website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. These linked websites are not under the control of SCE Group, and we are not responsible for the contents of any linked website, or any hyperlink contained in a linked website. Links are provided to you for convenience only, and the inclusion of any link does not imply any endorsement of the linked website by SCE Group. Should you choose to follow links to such websites it is done so entirely at your own risk. SCE Group accepts no liability for any loss incurred by you directly or indirectly as a result of your reliance on information on any linked website and accepts no liability and disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding the purchase or use of goods or services on any linked websites.

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These Terms and Conditions of Use will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.

If any part of these Terms and Conditions of Use are or become illegal, invalid, or unenforceable in any relevant jurisdiction, that or those provisions will be interpreted in that jurisdiction, as nearly as possible, to reflect the intentions of the parties, and if necessary to maintain the effectiveness of these Terms and Conditions of Use, be severed for the purposes of that jurisdiction, with the remaining provisions remaining in full force and effect.

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Except where otherwise stated, all registered trademarks used on the website are used with the permission of SCE Group Pty Ltd ABN 60 000 361 688. Use of any trademarks without the prior, specific, written permission of its owner (SCE Group Limited or a third party) is prohibited.

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