Supporting our youth to make better lifestyle choices since 2003.
Practically a house-hold name, who doesn’t have fond memories of our beloved Healthy Harold? Having taught our generation and the one before, Healthy Harold educated us and our peers about those lifestyle topics that sometimes so easily got missed.
Life Education Illawarra, and Healthy Harold, exists to make a positive impact on local primary school students and preschool children by giving them the knowledge, skills and information to be able to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Dedicated to empowering young people to make safer and healthier choices, programs focus on Health Promotion and Initiatives, especially in the areas of drug and alcohol awareness.
SCE has been providing hands-on support to Life Education Illawarra since 2003 including assisting in the movement of vans from school to school and truck maintenance.
SCE’s Manager Director, Michael Aubin, has been involved with Life Education Illawarra since 2008 and its chairman since 2013.
“We truly believe that all children and young people deserve to lead safe and healthy lives – now and into the future.
“We also believe that Life Education is not a ‘nice to have’ but is really a ‘must have’ if we are to be pro-active in providing our children with the opportunity to develop the strategies and practice the skills required to avoid the harms associated with an unhealthy lifestyle into their adulthood”.
It is undeniable that Healthy Harold leaves an unforgettable footprint on the impressionable minds of any young child who has experienced the programs throughout their schooling years.
SCE is very proud to be involved with Life Education Illawarra and the outstanding work it provides for our wider community.